睿智(深圳)人力资源有限公司 提交于 2018-04-12 11:49:55

Latest suggestions for foreigners to come to China to find work and recruit foreigners in 2020













1、 必须持等同于大学学历的毕业证书(Bachelor Degree Certificate or above),这个毕业证书需要经过中国驻当地国的使领馆认证的,比如你是西班牙人,你的大学学历证书,需要中国驻西班牙当地的使领馆认证,否则无效。

2、 拿到本科学历证书之后,2年以上的全职相关工作经验的证明,这个必须是你之前的雇主签发给你的,上面要注明的要素包括:公司的标识(logo),公司名称,公司地点,你在公司工作的时间段,工作的职位title,证明人的签名,证明人的职位title,证明人的联系方式,电子邮件和网址等等(如果有条件最好能有公司的签章)。2年以上全职工作的证明,是必要的手续,如果没有这个证明,也无法申请到中国工作。而且你的工作的职务title,需要和在中国申请的工作相同和基本相似,否则也会有问题。如果一个雇主给您提供的证明仅仅是一年的,那不够,你需要另外一年的全职工作经验也有证明,总之,所有的证明加起来,相同或者相关的总全职工作经验不得低于2年。

3、 无犯罪记录证明,你在本国的无犯罪记录证明,也许需要经过中国驻当地的使领馆认证的,这个是必须的材料。

还有一个例外的情况,就是如果你是在中国就读的优秀(学习成绩优秀,平均成绩不低于80分(百分制,其他分制换算成百分制处理)或B+/B(等级制)以上,在校期间无不良行为记录)硕士或者博士研究生,且已经毕业,则在毕业一年内,如果找到工作,可以直接申请工作许可;或者你在世界著名的大学就读硕士或者博士研究生,成绩优秀(学习成绩优秀,平均成绩不低于80分(百分制,其他分制换算成百分制处理)或B+/B(等级制)以上,在校期间无不良行为记录),毕业一年内,找到在中国工作单位,可以开始工作,无需提供2年的相关的全职工作证明。(详见 人社部发〔2017〕3号 文件详述)


早在2011年9月,中国人社部就已经就此问题发文,《在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办法》 ( 中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部令第16号),文件中已经有明确的规定,目前还没有更新的政策出现,所以外籍人才,在中国就业,应该按照此文件办理。





At present, China has become the largest economy in the East of the world. Every move affects the overall economic situation of the world. Foreigners coming to China to find a job have become a norm.

Over the years, the situation of foreigners working in China has changed radically.

More than a decade ago, foreigners came to work in China. At that time, foreigners came to China. It was more like an attempt, or a trip, or even a feeling of life and the nature of different cultures and lifestyles. Very few of them Some people regard China as their own home, and very few people can develop a career in China for a long time. Today, the situation has changed dramatically. Very few people have come to China to work for tourism or to experience culture and life. They come to China Most of the job applications are for career development, and some of them cannot be separated from China, or have marriages and families in China. Foreigners working in China have gradually stabilized, and many have integrated into the Chinese workplace — doing the same work and spending the same holidays and the same holidays as Chinese employees; some people will say: Do you get the same salary? The answer is no, because after all, China is not as developed as Europe and the United States, and the cost of living for foreigners in China is still higher than that of domestic people. For example: hotels and hotels cannot receive foreigners if they do not have the corresponding qualifications and levels of.

Based on the actual situation, this article gives the following suggestions for foreigners to come to China to find work and employment. Although it is a suggestion for foreign talents, it is also very useful for Chinese employers to recruit foreigners:

I. About work visa, work permit and residence permit

This is the first problem for foreigners to work in China. Some foreigners once asked us: If I can solve the work visa problem myself, is it not necessary for my employer to help me, so the scope of my job search is Not even bigger? Our response is: No. Even if your previous visa has not expired, after you find an employer in China, your work permit process must be processed in accordance with the regulations. Even if you have a work visa before, it is not your new employer to handle it for you, your working relationship It is not affiliated with a new employer in the future, so you currently have a work visa within the validity period, which just gives you more time to stay in China and find more interview opportunities. After finding a new job, the work permit These procedures for residence permit are all re-applied.

Other friends asked us: I came to China with my marriage. I have the right to stay in China for a long time. Can I work directly after I find a job? The answer is also negative. You are holding another type of visa only to ensure that you have the right to stay in China. It does not mean that you can work in China. To work in China, you need a work visa, a work permit and a corresponding visa. Residence permit. In a nutshell: It is illegal to work in China with any visa, and to work in China with any other type of visa.

Many friends also asked us: if the employer asks if I can apply for a work visa and work permit on their own, they can give us enough salary. Is this OK? The answer is also negative, if an employer hires a foreigner, then apply for a job invitation letter to the foreigner, the foreigner holds a work invitation letter (applied by the employer) to apply for a work visa in China, and applies for a work permit and residence permit after arriving in China It is a complete set of legal procedures, which must be led by the employer and handled by foreign employees in close cooperation. Foreigners cannot apply on their own.

If an employer wants to recruit foreigners and clearly state that they do not have the ability to apply for work visas and work permits, then this job opportunity is not a regular job opportunity at all and it is recommended that you give up.

2. Requirements for Foreigners to Work in China

This article does not discuss the requirements for foreign experts to work in China. If you are an expert in a scarce field in China, all the procedures are much simpler, and the relevant departments have special channels to assist you with this, which is not included in the introduction of this article. This article is aimed at most people who are looking for a job in the job market and the talent market, so it is also aimed at the majority of those who cannot reach the “expert” qualifications.

1. You must hold a Bachelor Degree Certificate or above. This diploma needs to be certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in the local country. For example, if you are Spanish, your university diploma requires a Chinese diploma. Spanish local embassy or consulate certification, otherwise invalid.

2. After receiving the undergraduate certificate, a certificate of full-time related work experience of more than 2 years. This must be issued to you by your previous employer. The elements to be noted above include: company logo (company logo), company name, Company location, time period during which you work in the company, title of the job title, signature of the certifier, title of the certifier, contact information, email address and website address of the certifier, etc. chapter). A certificate of full-time work for more than 2 years is a necessary procedure. Without this certificate, you cannot apply for a job in China. And the title of your job needs to be the same and basically similar to the job applied for in China, otherwise there will be problems. If the certification provided by an employer is only one year, that is not enough. You need another year of full-time work experience to prove it. In short, all the certifications add up. The same or related total full-time work experience must not be less than 2 years. .

3. No criminal record certificate. Your non-criminal record certificate in your home country may need to be certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in your local area. This is a required material.

There is also an exception, if you are an excellent student studying in China (excellent academic performance, the average score is not less than 80 points (percent system, other points system converted to the percentage system) or B + / B (level system) or more, in No bad behavior record during the school) Master or PhD student, and graduated, within one year of graduation, if you find a job, you can directly apply for a work permit; or you are a master or doctoral student at a world-renowned university with excellent grades (student grades) Excellent, with an average score of not less than 80 (percentage system, other points system is converted to percentage system) or B + / B (level system) or higher, no bad behavior record during school), within one year of graduation, find a work unit in China, you can To start work, you do not need to provide a relevant full-time work certificate for 2 years. (For details, please refer to the document [2017] No. 3 issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Sciences)

Questions on social security and medical care for foreigners working in China

As early as September 2011, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China has issued a document on this issue, “Interim Measures for Participating in Social Insurance for Foreigners Working in China” (Order No. 16 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China). It is clearly stipulated that no updated policy has yet emerged, so foreign talents should find employment in China in accordance with this document.

In fact, in general, even if foreigners are employed in China, employers also need to pay the “five insurances”. The payment method is basically the same as that of local employees. The issue of “one fund” is the housing provident fund. As a substitute for rent subsidies, in fact, a large part of foreigners renting houses in China can be included in the operating expenses of enterprises and deduct tax expenses, which is also a “one gold” compensation for foreigners.

During the actual operation of previous years, we received calls from time to time to inquire about this issue, because this document was released in 2011. In fact, from then on, the implementation of this document is gradually increasing. The actual In operation, many companies are performing according to the requirements of this document. We also encountered some friends who said: Some foreigners do not want the unit to pay the “five insurances” according to regulations. They want to purchase commercial medical insurance separately. They value this more. Our response is: Since China has this regulation, Try to follow the rules. If foreigners value commercial medical insurance (they don’t expect Chinese hospitals to queue up for treatment), you can negotiate separately.

This article explains some of the most common issues for foreigners looking for work in China and employment in China, as well as issues that are easily confused. I hope to provide some help and reference to international friends who want to work in China. Employers and human resource managers who need to recruit foreigners can also get some specific solutions to problems in this article.